Monday, November 30, 2015

The Kinda Evil Step Mother

So my daughter's father and I have shared custody and she goes with him on the weekends.  He got remarried about a year ago and they have a new baby, making my daughter a sister finally, something most "only children" dream about, something my fiancĂ© and I have not been successful in being able to do for the five years we've been together. 

I guess you could say I feel a little bit of resentment towards them. 
Things just seem to come so easily to them.  They have this nice house that was handed over to them by my ex husband's wife's sister.  Somehow they were able to buy themselves each a new vehicle. They have all the newest game systems, which my daughter; Shaunalee, is not allowed to play with: They are strictly DAD'S TOYS. Hah, D-bag.

They're lives have been so easy.
They're RELATIONSHIP has been too easy and it pisses me off.  I won't even get into the struggles my family has faced in order to get to where we are today, but I will tell you one thing: IT AIN'T EVER BEEN EASY FOR US.  Shit, I don't think I even uttered the word "easy" for about 3 years.
But here I am sitting at my kitchen table, in my apartment, under the luminescent lighting of the PG&E, writing on my very own computer on this lovely day in which I don't even have to work! All thing's I didn't have 2 years ago, I wasn't sure if I ever would have a life like this again.  We have been blessed, and I give thanks everyday.

Back to issue at hand though, after Shaunalee got home last night from spending the weekend with her dad and step mom; let's just call em' "Al and Peg", Shauna tells me that over the weekend she had developed abdominal cramps.  So instead of assuming it was gas and she just needed to fart; like I probably would have and she just would have farted and everything would've been all good...

But no. Of course not.  Drama Queen "Peg" has to make a situation out of it, take my daughter to her bathroom and give her a hand full of panty liners and proceed to educate her all about her uterine wall shedding and yada, yada.  The WHOLE SHABANG!

So my daughter comes home with a new knowledge of sex and puberty.  I had already grazed the surface with her but I didn't really think it was time to dive all the way in and tell her everything, she just turned 10 this Halloween for croc's sake. 

I know that it's a new world today than it was when I was growing up and our children are exposed to so much nowadays through school, the internet and damned social networking.  But is it wrong for me to want to preserve my daughters innocence?  Am I wrong for being so angry with "Peg"?  I feel like she stole something from me, something very precious that can not be replaced. 
When Shauna told me about it, I got so upset.  I yelled and said rude thing's about Peg and Al both. And that's something I try hard to refrain from doing, it's not fair to Shauna.  Now I feel horrible, so I turn here.  I would love some input, someone please tell me I'm not a monster and that you know exactly how I'm feeling. 

From now on I'm going to bring my "baby-daddy" issues here. Thanks for reading my little rant here, I think there must be at least someone who can relate to this.  With the number of single parents in the world.  Not just mothers, I want to acknowledge that there are a lot of single fathers, very devoted to their children that deal with "dead-beat baby-mama-drama" all the time and know exactly what this anger and resentment feels like.

If you're like me and you're reading this please share this article, or comment.  Or even click on the little "G +1" thingy at the bottom of the article.  Everyone loves encouragement, and I am no different, so be a peach and show some love ;) <3  I am Jesse Lee and I am a writer, and every writer need's her readers.  Faithful readers you will not be let down, it won't all be single mom bitching about puberty, gosh! That would just be lame!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Christ and the Coffee Cup

So apparently the nation is in some uproar about the release of "Starbucks" holiday seasoned themed cups, which this year they chose to go with a standard red cup with their signature "Siren".
Bored Christians across the country are having a field day with this.  I have so many problems with this issue.  But first and foremost I want to say GET THE FRICK OVER IT! THEY'RE CUPS!
You think God is up there thinking "Oh no, not Starbucks? I can't be on their cup? Boo-hoo!" 
No, God turned his back on that company long ago probably when they chose their company logo, the oh so subtly, secular siren.
And I also think The Big Guy upstairs might have a little problem with the person who chooses to spend around $50 bucks on coffee a week and then refuse to acknowledge the homeless man, flying a sign at the exit of your beloved coffee shop.
He might also think that maybe your efforts are somewhat misplaced.  You could do more good by doing something else rather than bitching about coffee cups.  Take that fire you have and put it into something more positive.  More productive.

The important thing here is that the seasonal drinks that are only available this time of year are now available.  "I'm quite fond of the Pumpkin Spice Latte".  I also consider myself a tried and true believer in Jesus Christ and I try to be a good example of that.  But personally this cup thing just doesn't bother me and I don't speak for God but I don't think he really gives a rat's ass about what Starbucks is doing, or any big corporation for that matter.  It's actually probably better this way really, cause when you think about it- these are big, monster companies and they really have no business preaching anything. 

Thanks a latte for reading! Follow me on Twitter @specificpacnews

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Joe Gliniewicz loses "Hero" title due to money laundering scandal

I'm sure most of you remember hearing about the tragic fatal shooting of Illinois police lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz, who body was found September in what appeared to be a homicide with no suspects to speak of.  They were so quick to call this man a hero, things were fishy from the start.
This morning it was released that this was not a homicide but was a suicide.  You see the Lake County Sheriff's Office are now saying that Gliniewicz took his own life on account of 7 year money laundering scheme he was involved with taking money from a charity for youths set up by the P.D.
They have also admitted to others being involved and in a way, if you watch the press release from the Lake County's Sheriff's Office Spokesman; it seems to me that they were well aware of what was going on by making statements like "He was about to get caught" and "We were on to him" and that's supposedly why he made this very elaborate homicide scene and shot himself twice in the chest then threw his gun several feet away from where he lay to die.

MY OPINION:  I think that these people are still laundering money. Someone higher up caught wise of what was going on.  So what a better a way to fix the problem than by putting it all off onto one guy.  I dunno, maybe he killed himself.  Maybe he was murdered to cover up this whole embezzlement deal. Maybe they thought they could take the heat off the department by making this whole thing look like a homicide from the beginning and then waging a manhunt for some unknown suspects.  But when that didn't work and the people behind the scenes kept asking questions; Lake County P.D. had to change their story up a bit; from homicide to a suicide now.  This man went from being called a "hero" to having his financial records read aloud on national television, post mortem to boot. The man can't even defend himself.  The perfect cover up for a bunch of crooked cops.

My goal here is to bring information as well as entertainment to my readers, however few they may be.  We all have opinions, we all have idea's.  Have it be fact or fiction, I want to bring it to you. 
Not just my thought's on current events but also my dreams; stories, poems and songs. 

I am a dreamer and hopefully you will find something here that sparks your interest or brings out the dreamer within you.

Here you will find:
  • News and current events, including links and pieces from news officials (always doing my very best to give you the facts)
  • My own work; creative writing of sorts
  • The works of others, up and coming creative genius' from many fields; writers, musicians, photographers, artists of all kinds

Now thank you for joining us here! We accept works from all, so please submit your genius to us and we will feature you and your work here on "2EyesOpen"

- Ms. J.Bird
follow me on twitter @specificpacnews